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MSP for Desktops Landing Page

Customised Solutions

"Custom business solutions, outsource resources allows for automation, scalability, greater return on investment and enhanced business security." 


Hardware & Software Audits

Performance & Preventative Maintenance Reports

ConnectWise Remote Control

Patch Whitelisting Service

Antivirus Management

Web-based Management Portal (User)

Desktop Performance Monitoring

Administrative Scripting (Automatic fixes)

Policy Management (Computer and Patches)

Client Communicator with Self-Help Center

Webroot Antivirus License

End User Help Desk

Telephonic / Chat / Email Support Answering

Windows, Mac & Mobile Device Support

Administrative Tasks

(see SOS)

Virus & Malware Removal

Software Installations (See SOS)

JECTECH Remote Tier4 Escalation

Additional Options & Features Available


Hardware & Software Audits

ConnectWise Remote Control tool

Ticket-Based Workflow for automation tasks

Ticket Escalations with Steps to Resolution (Tier 2)

Patch Whitelisting Service

Multi-Vendor Antivirus support

Remote Restart of Services by NOC*

Patch Deployment by NOC*

NOC* Resolution of Patch Failures

Proactive or On-Demand Server Restarts

Active Directory Group Policy Troubleshooting

System Performance Analysis & Troubleshooting

Health Check & Defragmentation

MS Service Pack Installations

JECTECH Remote Tier4 Escalation

Additional Options & Features Available


Custom Domain Configuration (O365, 2 Domains)

User & Group Creation (more than 5 will be project)

Naming Conventions and Restrictions (Users, groups)

Group Management (Teams, Users, devices, Office)

Policies - Incoming/Outgoing SPAM

Once off review (Assessment report provided)

Additional Options & Features Available


Policies - Retention

Policies - Sharing Permissions

Policies - Anti-Phishing

Policies - Anti-Malware

Policies - Attachments (executables)

Policies - Attachments (video and audio)

Policies - Safe Links

Policies - Custom Mailflow (profanity, warnings etc)

Configure & Manage Auditing

Quarterly Policies Reviews

Multi-Factor Authentication

Identity Management (SSPR)

Email Reputation (DKIM,SPF,DMARC)(2 domains)

Endpoint Protection (Intune) BYOD/MDM

Additional Options & Features Available


Monthly Config Backups

Performance & Preventative Maintenance Reports (monthly)

Proactive monitoring (Daily)

Managed updates and protection from new threats

Ad-hoc Support (on requests)

Reporting on demand (on requests)

Limited support by remote team (rules changes, troubleshooting)

Monthly Threat assessment and reports

JECTECH Remote Tier4 Escalation

Additional Options & Features Available

Basic Features Included
JecTech Educational  Screen Savers
JecTech Educational  Screen Savers
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